During our despicable lock downs during the so-called covid virus, gold price hardly moved.

All the informed gold bugs were waiting for such an event because, according to them, gold moves up in price during crises.

Well, gold price hardly moved. I think this is mostly due to the fact that one must leave his/her own home in order to make a purchase or a sale.

The price of #bitcoin went up by more than 600%.

Although purchasing gold online was possible, getting it delivered to you was not (due to everyone's home imprisonment).

This proved (to me at least) that gold is almost useless as an investment and as a currency.

If you're a gold bug, then you probably love gold's color, its weight, its shininess (its taste?) etc. However, these features are totally useless, unless of course, you're using a gold bullion as a physical weapon or a paperweight.

Why would anyone buy gold if bitcoin exists?