I have been unemployed since 2003. No job pressure, no low-life boss to report to, no enforced schedule to adhere to and no receiving commands like a pet.

I can wake up any time I feel like (except my brain insists on waking up at 4am-5am 😂)

I can travel at any time and stay abroad as long as I wish.

I can decide my own schedule and everyday is a holiday.

Most friends and family show me sympathy because to them, I'm a complete failure.

Some keep offering me assistance by offering me money, helping me find a job and providing moral support 😂

Others think I'm a spoiled brat because I keep declining any help and I insist I make more money than all of them combined.

They see my 14 year old truck, my Casio watch, my old ragged clothes, my old house (they think I'm renting it), my refusal to eat at restaurants and drink at cafes outside and immediately think I'm in a financial crisis 😂

One family member went as far as trying to take me under his wing to "get my life back on track". I told him that he's placing his time and energy in the wrong person. That made him think I'm really smug.

I will tell you what I tell all these people:

