Let me get this straight!

The current POTOS is a 87 year old dinosaur who can't function normally, is being investigated for money laundering and corruption, in an election year, but prefers to spend his time on the beach than to campaign.

Meanwhile, the crack addicted son of POTOS goes around the world threatening individuals and commercial enterprises for money while sleeping with prostitutes and miners (and his sister-in-law whose husband passed away).

While the main presidential candidate of the the opposite party is being lawfully attacked but the POTOS' administration who think he was an illegitimate president.

In addition to this fiasco, a leading candidate from the same party as the current POTOS, who is the nephew of an assassinated ex-president is refused secret service protection and is suing Google/YouTube for trampling on his first amendment rights.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of America 🍌
