#Nostr 101

- When you see GM, GN, GA or GE reply GM, GN, GA or GE respectively. Time of day in your part of the world is irrelevant here unless it's the weekend

- When anyone says GFY, immediately reply with GFY or "you too". It's the law! Alternatively, you can reply with 🖕

- Your favorite color should always be purple and your favorite animal should always be an ostrich. Purple Ostriches FTW

- Zapping someone with one sat is the equivalent of saying HA HA 👉

- "This is the way" is the only way

- Memes should not, under any circumstance, be stolen and/or renoted. If you happen to come across a stolen meme, immediately contact your local government representative. If you live in a non-"democracy" where you don't have representation, then contact your mom

- If a MM forces him/herself onto a thread, make sure you treat them with total disrespect as they have worked hard for this title