Nocoiners usually cannot comprehend the workings of #bitcoin and the environments it operates in.

The biggest reason being they cannot fathom the inner workings of a technology without using it themselves.

To them, all the discussions and explanations surrounding bitcoin are mere theories that need to be proven. And although almost every aspect has already been proven, they still don't see it because they refuse to give it a try and see for themselves.

I usually use my father as a prime example to show how nocoiners are completely disconnected from bitcoin. This is because he is a strict opposer of bitcoin although he strongly believes in hard money.

My father, being a bitcoin outsider (and a staunch critic of it) thinks the following:

- Zapping others for various reasons is not logical. Since his vast experience dictates that a person must work hard in order to make money, zapping people for mere comments, jokes and helpful advice just doesn't make sense to him.

- During all of his life, nobody has ever tipped him for anything, so in his mind, tipping is only reserved for restaurants and taxi drivers 🤣 So, he thinks zapping is just a passing phase. I asked him, when in his vast history has he ever addressed millions of people (social media) in order to get tipped? In addition, if people wanted to tip him fiat, the only way was to meet him face to face.

- The idea that a zap can contain messages (i.e. advertisements) is causing him much conflict as this breaks his theory of bitcoin being a just a passing phase.

It's been 10 years that I've been trying to convince him that the future is nothing but bitcoin but he completely rejects that "theory" because he refuses to buy ANY amount of bitcoin.

Conclusion: A nocoiner will never understand bitcoin unless he/she owns some.