They (mostly people in the west) have numerous ways of buying KYC #bitcoin. Bitcoin is completely banned where I live.

They have numerous ways of buying non-KYC bitcoin. Bitcoin is completely banned where I live.

They can even buy it from people off the streets if they wanted to. I would get sent to jail for 15 years if I was caught dealing in it.

They have bitcoin P2P options like Robosats and Bisq among others. I have non of those options.

They can freely earn it for providing goods or services. I can't even tell most people here that I'm a hodler.

And yet, I have been risking my life buying it for the last 10 years or so. And that's because I live under a ruthless dictatorship.

They need to come here and see how difficult it is to have just one choice between risking getting arrested or ending up as a nocoiner.

And because of my situation, I learned that all financial institutions, here and abroad, exchange KYC info among each other and world authorities.

In fact, the main headline in the newspaper today mentions how the authorities in Europe are in constant contact with my country's government regarding co-operative freezings of bank accounts here and abroad.

Mostly, the people in the west who don't care about submitting to KYC restrictions don't realize that if they needed to flee their countries for whatever reason (I hope it doesn't come to this), then the country they're fleeing to will also know about them buying bitcoin, and how much they've bought. The same is true if there's a coup in their country and a ruthless dictator takes over.

All these western so-called bitcoin companies like Strike, Coincorner, Swan, Fold etc are run by smart people, very smart in fact. There's no denying that. But their intentions are not thst smart.

Yes, they're mainly in it for the money, but also to carry favor with the authorities. In order for them to be able operate selling bitcoin, they have to snitch on their clients. Only naive morons think they do it because they don't have a choice.

These companies are VERY powerful (how much bitcoin do they possess at any one time?) and they can do so much to change the KYC status quo. But do you seriously believe that's what they want.

If people like Jack Mallers really wanted to make the world a better place, there's only a handful of people who can do it better than him. But do you really believe that's what he wants?

No, he wants to make money first. And in order to do that he must snitch on his clients as a top priority. I will even go as far as accuse him of being part of government.

Has he ever mentioned his regret for forcing his clients to submit to KYC restrictions? Has he ever said he didn't support it but has no choice? Has he ever apologized for that or anything else?

Of course not! Who is he going to apologize to? The naive plebs who shower him with their money no matter how much he screws them?

He's no good, regardless of how much you think he's helping. The same goes for all the others. All extremely talented individuals who are out to get you.

This is what I have to say to his and their client: Grow up or wake up (which ever comes first). You're too soft and naive. You have tunnel vision: Once you see bitcoin 😍, you go blind to the consequences of your moronic actions.

Come here, experience what I experience and I guarantee that you you will never submit to KYC again.